Starting our Eco Church Journey

I expect that many of us have been enjoying the hot weather lately. But unfortunately, the extremely hot dry summer days that we are beginning to experience on a more regular basis each year are a sure sign of global warming. It is well understood now that our carbon emissions are so high that global warming is not only bringing us warmer and warmer days, but it is slowly raising sea levels, which in turn, is creating devastating effects on huge parts of the world.

A decent-sized meteor, a large solar flare, or an X-ray burst from a star could wipe us out of existence in seconds. But we do not have to look for astronomical events for a doomsday scenario. Our own activities are creating huge challenges for life on earth, and could wipe out civilisation over a relatively short time.
We have been squandering resources and taking them for granted for far too long. Even renewable resources need time to renew, and if our usage rate is higher than the renewal rate, then we are over-exploiting those resources.

By far the biggest problem is carbon emissions. The URC General Assembly has set a target of the whole Church being net-zero in our carbon emissions by 2030, as part of our commitment to caring for God’s creation. That is only seven years away!

Here, at Ardeen Road, we have made a start. Four of us, Matt, John, Jim and I have met, and begun to undertake a survey of the impact of our church life on the environment. The survey covers five areas – worship and teaching, buildings, land, community and global engagement, and lifestyle. Already the survey is identifying aspects of church life where we need to change what we do in order to have less of a damaging impact on our world. Check out what we are doing at
Once we have completed the survey, we will begin to look at ways in which we can change what we do to become a more environmentally friendly and greener church, and to be better stewards of God’s wonderful creation. If you would like to join our group and help plan how we can all make a difference for the future of our world, please speak to me. It’s urgent!

Rod Morrison

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