Sunday Worship
We have a fairly traditional but relaxed style of worship on Sundays at 11am. We sing hymns, pray together, listen to the Bible and have a talk on the Bible passage and how it applies to our lives today. We share in communion once a month. We have a rug with toys and activities for young children.
You can ‘Zoom’ into our services each week using the meeting ID 842 5287 1784 and the Passcode 033482.
Prayer Time
We have a prayer WhatsApp group where prayer requests are shared and we commit to praying together (wherever we are) every Tuesday. Get in touch if you have a prayer request – we are happy to pray for anyone in need.
Tuesday Bible Study
We meet together on alternate Tuesdays from 1.45-2.45pm to study the Bible together. We often have a video to watch and plenty of time for discussion. All are welcome – for more details, please see our Bible Study webpage, or contact us.
Messy Church and Open the Book
We try and run Messy Church several times a year in partnership with Flintwood Methodist Church. Messy Church is church – but not as you know it! It’s aimed at families with children under 12, and we often get messy! There are lots of different craft activities, linked in to our Bible Story, and this is followed by a time of celebration together and cake!
We also lead ‘Open the Book’ school assemblies with Flintwood Methodist Church, acting out Bible stories to the children at Plover School and Intake Primary School.
Charity Events
Each year we choose a charity to support and raise funds through a bookstall at the back of church and a series of social/fundraising events. Look out on our ‘Latest News’ page or Facebook page for upcoming events.